language Japanese / English

Our Mission Initiatives to Society

TOP / Our Mission / Commitment to Society

Activities that lead to changes in individuals, organizations, and society.

Our clients, including schools, local communities, sports teams, NPOs, and international organizations, are all part of such “organizations” that we are connected with, and we believe that each and every one of their existence is a part of “society”. For those clients who desire to make the society a better place, we offer various educational initiatives such as “school education”, “sports education”, and “child education”. We put our efforts into activities that envision a future where one person changes, organizations change, and society changes.

The future we are aiming for

Pursuing school education and children's education that foster self-esteem and initiative.
We are expanding various services that cultivate the power to realize one's own goals and be active in society as an individual.

We are pursuing education that is full of self-affirmation and aims to realize dreams and aspirations proactively from childhood.

What We Value

Number of implemented child education programs
Improvement rate of self-esteem
Number of implemented parent education programs
Improvement rate of parents' mental state
Number of implemented school education projects
Current rate of absenteeism cases
Promote business activities that leave no one behind, including both people and the environment.
We strive to promote business activities that leave no one behind, especially for those in socially vulnerable positions. We also work on environmentally-friendly business activities that consider the global environment.

What We Value

Promotion of employment support and employment of persons with disabilities
Changes in legally mandated employment rates
Changes in the wage rate for persons with disabilities
Consideration for the environment
Conservation of resources utilization
Working with like-minded individuals who share our goals to achieve a better society.
We provide lectures in the local community and establish communities aimed at promoting good management practices that contribute to society. We work together to achieve our goal of creating a better society.

What We Value

Number of members in related communities
Cumulative number of contribution activity events.